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What’s Worse for Your Brain Alcohol or Marijuana?

what is worse alcohol or weed

But the study fits in with a body of work that has found mixed results regarding marijuana and the brain. Some animal research, for example, hints that at least some cannabinoids, the compounds in cannabis, may be protective for the neural system, Hutchison said. Studies in humans, on the other hand, have returned varied results, and many have been too small-scale to draw firm conclusions. While this may come as a surprise, both marijuana and alcohol could have some beneficial effects for some users.

How Many Deaths Are Caused By Driving High?

While the death toll may not be the same, the effect on drivers has been sufficiently observed. While, due to alcohol being legal for decades and drunk driving being illegal for a significant amount of time the law has preset blood alcohol levels to dictate how much alcohol is too much in your system while driving. Considering the statistics you just read about marijuana-based crashes, 40 percent of car crash deaths in the US involve alcohol, and 30 percent of deaths involve alcohol above the legal limit for driving. While the growing increase in medical and recreational cannabis legalization is providing a larger data set there isn’t enough tracking to link specific medical deaths to cannabis. Alcohol is not only more addictive it also can cause more lasting damage to your health than cannabis.

The reality of legal weed in California: Huge illegal grows, violence, worker exploitation and deaths

California has largely ignored the immigrant workers who harvest America’s weed. Their exploitation is one of the most overlooked narratives of the era of legal cannabis. Given the problems and the politics, even the former health minister 8 best dual diagnosis rehab centers in california who led the drive to decriminalize pot has grudgingly pledged his support for undoing that decision. Many Thai cultivators, facing bankruptcy, are turning to exports of their own, sending pot to countries where it is illegal.

So is marijuana really safer than alcohol?

  1. There may also be a link between daily weed use and poorer verbal memory in adults who start smoking at a young age.
  2. In such a climate, politicians are under pressure to appear tough on drugs.
  3. It also includes binge drinking — a pattern of drinking where a male has five or more drinks within two hours or a female has at least four drinks within two hours.
  4. She was previously a senior writer for Live Science but is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthly magazine of the American Psychological Association.
  5. While there are negative benefits, cannabis does have many medicinal benefits including treatment of pain, nausea, issues with eating or keeping down food, and can help treat anxiety and depression.
  6. Edibles cut down on one of the major issues with cannabis because they don’t require smoking and eliminate many of these risks.

This can happen any time you’ve consumed to much weed — with or without alcohol. If you take medication, talk to your doctor before using weed, alcohol, or both. They may weaken the effectiveness of your medication or increase your risk for certain side effects.

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what is worse alcohol or weed

The plan’s architect, Anutin Charnvirakul, who was health minister at the time, also touted exporting cannabis and hemp products as a way to help Thailand’s pandemic-stricken economy and its poor farmers. It doesn’t matter how much you drink – the risk to the drinker’s health starts from the first drop of any alcoholic beverage. He found a dramatic rise in the number of people reporting that they smoked weed either daily or nearly every day.

Cannabis can affect your ability to pay attention, memory, and decision-making. It can overall slow your reaction time and your general perception of time and distance which can increase your likelihood of getting into an accident. Additionally, while you can have a cannabis overdose it’s not remotely fatal while an overdose of alcohol can cause lasting damage and even death. Weed is not without its pitfalls but alcohol is by far more problematic.

what is worse alcohol or weed

In each session, participants consumed a different combination of placebo, low, and moderate doses of THC and alcohol. Those who consumed just alcohol had worse cognitive functioning than those who only consumed THC. Those who combined the two had reduced cognitive performance than those who only consumed alcohol. This is because alcohol increases the absorption of weed’s main psychoactive ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In contrast, Carroll says research shows rates of interpersonal or domestic violence are actually “lower in people who smoke marijuana than people that don’t.”

The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug. Some drugs, such as opioid painkillers, have a higher risk and cause addiction more quickly than others. It might seem harmless to mix alcohol and weed, but doing so can be a slippery slope toward getting overly intoxicated. But if you do decide to mix the two, start slow and keep track of how much you’re consuming of each. Adding alcohol to a low dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 21 percent. Adding alcohol to a high dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 17 percent.

It’s a skill in high demand these days, and his employees make $800 a month, about 36% more than the average national pay. But even that isn’t enough to stop competitors from poaching them. alcohol withdrawal syndrome In June 2022, the government removed marijuana from its list of banned narcotics, and with minimal regulation, the pot industry immediately took off in a way that few anticipated.

On the other hand, self-harm and suicide are much more common among people who binge drink or drink frequently. But scientists have had a hard time deciphering whether excessive alcohol use causes depression and anxiety or whether people with depression and anxiety drink in an attempt to relieve those symptoms. On the other hand, no such relationship appears to exist for cannabis.

Speaking of, let’s examine the addictive tendencies of these substances. It can damage brain cells and lead to deficiencies in neurotransmitters. It affects gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which can cause relaxation but long term use of alcohol can affect your levels of GABA or glutamate in the nervous substance use disorder sud system. Alcohol can lower inhibitions but it can also impair judgment, coordination, and memory. Weed can impact your memory and in some severe cases cause or exacerbate schizophrenia or psychosis. Despite there being issues, most issues caused by cannabis can be reversible if you stop using cannabis.

A recent study looking at cannabis use and intimate partner violence in the first decade of marriage found that marijuana users were significantly less likely to commit violence against a partner than those who did not use the drug. Having a blood-alcohol level of at least 0.05%, on the other hand, increased that risk by 575%. The US Department of Health lists alcohol as a known human carcinogen. Research highlighted by the National Cancer Institute suggests that the more alcohol you drink — particularly the more you drink regularly — the higher your risk of developing cancer.

Marijuana affects the cardiovascular system, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, but a person can’t fatally overdose on pot like they can with alcohol, Baler said. There’s also some divergence within the specific categories of harm. But alcohol’s crime risk is due to its tendency to make people more aggressive (and more prone to committing crime), while heroin’s crime risk is based on the massive criminal trafficking network behind it. Both can also leave you feeling a bit worse for wear the next day, though this is more likely to happen with alcohol. If you do get hungover, you might experience other effects, including headaches and diarrhea.

For example, a 1992 study had 15 participants smoke a placebo, a high dose of THC, or a low dose of THC on three occasions. On each occasion, they’d rank a different dose of alcohol, including a placebo, as a low dose or a high dose. “On the other hand, the number of crimes that are committed that have some sort of alcohol component related to them are massive — hundreds of thousands a year, if not more,” he said. Cannabis, on the other hand, increases appetite, dry mouth, tachycardia, euphoria, sedation and a slowed sense of time.

Alcohol is more likely than marijuana to interact with other drugs. “You can die binge-drinking five minutes after you’ve been exposed to alcohol. That isn’t going to happen with marijuana,” said Ruben Baler, a health scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The drug policy experts I talked to about Nutt’s study generally agreed that his style of analysis and ranking misses some of the nuance behind the harm of certain drugs. The analysis doesn’t fully account for a drug’s legality, accessibility, or how widely a drug is used. If heroin and crack were legal and more accessible, they would very likely rank higher than alcohol. The harm score for marijuana would also likely rise after legalization, but probably not too much since pot use is already widespread.

Turns out, you might not need much alcohol to change the way your body absorbs THC. Read on to learn more about the potential reactions and what to do if you have a bad one. “The first answer always has to be neither,” Dr. Aaron Carroll, a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, told CBS News. But then he acknowledges they’re not exactly equivalent — and he considers alcohol much more dangerous. And a national survey conducted in 2013 found that 52% of Americans thought marijuana should be made legal.

While excessive marijuana use can take a negative toll on your health many of these side effects can be reversible. This means that for people taking drugs or medications while drinking, the alcohol can increase or decrease levels of the active drug in the body. Health risks are just one way to measure whether marijuana is safer than alcohol.

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